Walleye Pike is a Tasty Target on Saginaw Bay

I’ve learned that opportunity presents itself at sometimes the most unexpected times. Today we were out on the Saginaw Bay going after the famous and tasty Walleye Pike. We caught a few in a short time. Thanks to Captain Ron for a great day.

A walleye is the largest member of the perch family, it can weigh over 20 pounds and is found in most of the Great Lakes

Two states adopted the walleye pike as their official fish, Minnesota and South Dakota.

  • A detailed analysis of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources fish harvest data point toward a healthier walleye fishery. While commercial fishing is banned from harvesting walleye, the number of recreational fishermen fishing in Saginaw Bay has dramatically dropped over the past 30 years. Is Saginaw Bay at risk of seeing a crash of walleye populations due to the lack of forage fish? Saginaw Bay Has A Lot Of Walleye, But Not Enough Fishing
  • At the end of the Leland River just before it feeds into Lake Michigan, is Leland Michigan’s picturesque Fishtown – one of the last working fishing districts on Lake Michigan. Leland Fishtown – Picture Perfect Dockside Village
  • The Steeples is a well-known walleye fishing area east of Charity Island in the middle of Saginaw Bay. Its a series of rock outcroppings and known to take your fishing rigging as well as being a fine trolling area for Walleye Fishing. Walleye Fishing the Steeples on Saginaw Bay
  • In 1878 near Sebewaing hundreds of folks supported themselves with ice fishing. Some twenty miles out from the shore, an ice bridge forms thick enough to sustain a whole village. Sebewaing Fishtown

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Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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