RNC and Michigan GOP Secure Victory in Michigan Mail Ballot Case, Strengthening Election Safeguards

The RNC and Michigan GOP successfully challenge Michigan Secretary of State over mail-in ballot procedures, citing concerns about election integrity.

Court Rules in Favor of Ballot Number Matching in Michigan

In a significant legal victory for election integrity advocates, the Republican National Committee (RNC) and Michigan GOP won their lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, ensuring stricter rules around the handling of mail ballots. The court ruled that Benson’s previous guidance allowing election officials to process ballots with missing or mismatched serial numbers violated state law, raising concerns about the potential for voter fraud.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley praised the court’s decision, calling it a win for transparency and security in Michigan’s election process. “Ballot number matching requirements are commonsense safeguards which make it easy to vote and hard to cheat,” he stated, emphasizing that the RNC will continue its efforts to secure elections across the country.

Michigan GOP Pushes for Stronger Election Laws

Michigan GOP Chairman Pete Hoekstra echoed these sentiments, highlighting that the lawsuit forced Secretary Benson to adhere to state election laws. “Michiganders deserve peace of mind in our electoral process,” Hoekstra said, stressing the importance of ballot number matching as a straightforward way to protect election integrity.

The lawsuit arose from a complaint that Benson’s guidance instructed local election officials to process and count mail-in ballots even if their serial numbers were missing. The court ruled that this practice was unlawful, requiring Benson to follow existing state laws designed to prevent fraud.

Secretary Benson’s Concession and Court’s Encouragement for Transparency

During the hearing, Secretary Benson acknowledged that ballots with mismatched serial numbers could potentially lead to voter fraud, further validating the court’s decision. The court also encouraged Benson to enhance transparency by tracking and providing data on absentee ballot processing, a move aimed at boosting public confidence in election security.

As the legal battle wraps up, the RNC remains focused on ensuring these new safeguards are in place ahead of Michigan’s upcoming elections, signaling a renewed commitment to election integrity nationwide.

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Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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