Harvest Wind Farm Suffers Second Wind Turbine Fire in Michigan’s Thumb

The Huron Daily Tribune reported that a wind turbine in Chandler Township caught fire Christmas morning, December 25th. No injuries or reports of damage were made; however, pictures of the turbine show scorched blades and generator housing. Local police cordoned off the area during the incident.

The fire occurred at the site of the Harvest II Wind Project owned by Exelon Generation. Phase I of this wind farm has been in operation since 2008. Phase II began operations in 2012. The renewable energy project was Michigan’s first commercial-scale wind farm.

Michigan Wind Farm Map

The Harvest Wind Farm is located over 3,200 acres in Huron County’s Oliver and Chandler Townships near Elkton and Pigeon, Michigan. Phase I of the wind farm consists of 32 Vestas V82 wind turbines, producing 1.65 megawatts of electricity. The total project capacity will be 52.9 megawatts. This site spreads over a 5-mile irregular area. The Harvest II wind farm was built during 2012 during the wind energy boom. Located near Pigeon, Michigan, its 33 turbines produce 59.4 megawatts.

Exelon Generation To Investigate Incident

The Huron Daily Tribune noted that Exelon indicated to the Huron County building and zoning director that an investigation would determine the fire’s cause. Exelon will also assess if the turbine can be restored or replaced.

Second Fire Incident at this Wind Farm

Wind Turbine Fire April 2019 – Courtesy ThumbNet

This is the second fire involving a turbine at the Harvest Wind location. A fire in April 2019 totally engulfed the #17 wind turbine in the wind farm. The fire vividly burned at over 300 feet high. The spectacle drew spectators from all over the area.

Global Wind Turbine Fires in 2020

The Harvest Wind-Fire marks the 17th wind turbine fire that has occurred globally in 2020. There have been 5 wind farm fires in the United States this year. Germany suffered the most with 8 fires.

Country/StateFire Incidents
United States5
United Kindom1
Wind Turbine Fires Globally – Caithness Windfarm Information Forum 2020.
Two Verbs News

Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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