Detroit Zoo to Get 100% Michigan Renewable Energy

The Detroit Zoological Society announced that the Detroit Zoo will be powered by 100% Michigan-made renewable energy through DTE Energy’s MIGreenPower program. DTE will source the renewable energy from three new wind parks that will come online in late 2020.

Zoo to Use Michigan-made Energy

Detroit Zoo

MIGreenPower is a voluntary renewable energy program that helps electric customers reduce their carbon footprint and support the development of additional wind and solar energy projects in Michigan. Customers select to attribute up to 100% of their energy use to local wind farms and solar parks.

Zoo Strives to Reduce Waste

Detroit Zoo

Waste reduction is also a key aspect of the Detroit Zoo’s “Green Journey.” The Zoo has eliminated the sale of single-use plastic water bottles as well as the use of plastic bags, straws and lids. The Zoo has also completed energy efficiency upgrades in more than 50 of the Zoo’s buildings and to install Zoo-wide LED lighting.

About the Detroit Zoo

The Detroit Zoo located near Royal Oak and Huntington Woods, roughly 2 miles north of the Detroit city limits. The Detroit Zoo is one of Michigan’s largest family attractions, hosting more than 1.5 million visitors each year. Its exhibits include more than 2,400 animals. The Detroit Zoo was the first zoo in the United States to house animals without bars or barriers. The facility was one of the early zoological parks to eliminate animal shows. For many years the Detroit Zoo was featured on a Saturday morning program in the Detroit area hosted by television personality and weatherman Sonny Eliot.

In 2008 the Chrysler Foundation restored the famous Detroit Zoo Train. Which Chrysler provided in the 1940s. The trains transport visitor from the front to the back of the park.

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Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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