7 Unrivaled Bird Feeders for Michigan – The Ultimate Must-Have Guide for Every Smart Cabin and Cottage Birder

If you have a home or a summer place in Michigan’s Thumb or up north, you know how important it is to have the right bird feeders during the summer months. It’s a cherished tradition for many to support the migrating Orioles and Hummingbirds all season long. But choosing the right bird feeder can be a bit overwhelming.

So, what are the best bird feeders for Michigan? It depends on the type of birds you want to attract and how you plan to discourage squirrels, chipmunks, and deer from raiding your feeders. We’ll cover seven basic types of bird feeders that you can either make yourself or find at local stores, and we’ll review which types of seed are perfect for each one. Trust us, you’ll have a hard time picking just one!

First up, the Suet Bird Feeder is a year-round favorite. It’s great for attracting woodpeckers and a variety of wild and songbirds. Next, the Platform Feeder is a simple option that is often the most visited feeder in many yards. The Hopper Bird Feeder can hold a ton of seed and is perfect for keeping local birds happy while you’re away.

The Nyjer Seed Feeder is ideal for smaller birds and won’t be bothered by larger birds or squirrels. The Window Mounted Bird Feeder is perfect for those with little or no backyard. The Oriole Feeder is a favorite for attracting these beautiful birds, and finally, the Hummingbird Feeder brings these fast flyers right up close to your home.

Remember, feeding wild birds is not a “set it & forget it” kind of activity. Regular cleaning of your bird feeders and birdbaths is essential to avoid harming the wild birds and potentially making yourself or a family member sick.

In conclusion, whether you live in Michigan’s Thumb or a cabin up north, having the right bird feeders is a cherished summer tradition. With these seven options, you’ll be able to support the migrating Orioles and Hummingbirds all season long. Plus, you’ll have a front-row seat to some of nature’s most beautiful creatures. #MichiganBirding #FeatheredFriends

See the original post at [7 Best Bird Feeders For Michigan Every Cabin and Cottage Birder Must Know](https://thumbwind.com/2021/04/09/best-bird-feeders-for-michigan/).

Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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