2012 Lake Huron Water Levels Approached Notable Historic Lows

Caseville Harbor Low Water 2013

The 2012 Lake Huron water levels approached measurements not seen in over 50 years. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reporting water levels in Lakes Michigan and Huron are 11 inches below its level of a year ago. Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are 11, 13, and 12 inches, respectively, lower than their levels of a year ago.

Over the next month, Lake Superior is forecasted to remain near its current level, while Lake Michigan-Huron is expected to fall another 2 inches. The water levels of Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are forecasted to fall 6, 5, and 3 inches, respectively, over the next thirty days.

If dry conditions continue, the Corps estimates that by December the Michigan-Huron levels will approach the historic low water levels last seen in 1964.

 Conditions Likely to Get Worse…Someday

Low Water Make Narrow Channel At Caseville Harbor - 2012 Lake Huron Water Levels
Low Water Make Narrow Channel At Caseville Harbor

What’s disturbing is that the lake levels are not recovering.  A review of the chart datum collected by NOAA and the USACE typically showed a water level bounce back within two years of low level. Since the late 1800s water levels of all the Great Lakes fluctuated above and below the long-term average year to year. However, since 1997 lake levels have trended lower in each consecutive year with no recovery.

Lake Huron Water Level Graph
2012 Lake Huron Water Levels

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Outdoor Skillz

Paul Austin

Paul is a writer living in the Great Lakes Region. He dabbles in research of historical events, places, and people on his website at Michigan4You.When he isn't under a deadline, you can find him on the beach with a good book and a cold beer.

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